Catch Me Network

"Taking into Account"

JOHN FRIEDRICH: Catch Me if You Can - YOUR Story

Blog Posts

Look at what the Indians have done...

Does that reminds something to anyone?…


Posted by SMP on December 9, 2023 at 9:37

Bushfire Royal Commission

Posted by SMP on October 30, 2020 at 13:30

Unpublished book (introduction)


Australians under the age of 45 in 2020 would probably have little, if any memory, of headlines that dominated the Australian media during March and April of 1989. In fact, even for those old enough to remember the massive…


Posted by Mick Macfarlane on September 30, 2020 at 11:30

Brilliant concept

Mobile phone running low on battery? Charge up with water...…


Posted by SMP on March 1, 2012 at 8:30

Australian Army grounds entire Black Hawk fleet

Posted by SMP on January 21, 2012 at 9:10

1st Fire refuge in Victoria

Is it the case of too little too late? and

Posted by SMP on October 13, 2011 at 19:28



We have set up this Network for the purpose of sharing information on a number of issues surrounding the closure of the National Safety Council of Australia (Victorian Division) and giving the opportunity for all involved to have their say in what really happened at the time. Looking back, there seems to have been real haste in shutting down this extraordinarily purposeful organization. There are many, many questions that remain unanswered despite the noise made by the media at the time (with so little answers as it transpired).
Here are a few:

• Did anyone in the public know the full extent of the good work NSCA (Vic) was doing and involved with?
• With so much goodwill from the hundreds of people involved in search-and-rescue and firefighting - to name a couple of services they provided - why did the government chose not to keep it going?
• Would it have made a difference having this organization today, particularly in view of disaster like "Black Saturday" bushfires (with respect to the great work many did on and since that day)?
• Who really was John Friedrich? Was he really just a conman or a visionary?
• Why did all investigations stop after his death, that occurred only a few days before his day in court and did he really pulled the trigger?


The National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA) is a national organization, which is still operating today. The National Safety Council of Australia (Victorian Division) - NSCA (Vic) - mentioned in these pages, was a separate company which no longer exists. Please read all mentions of the National Safety Council, NSCA or any reference to the Safety Council or the Council within these pages as being intended to be the National Safety Council of Australia (Victorian division), not the current national organization.


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Feel free to blog, comment or ask a question on any of these issues or others (sample will appear on the main site listed under 'Blog'). Please note that blogs will be filtered for inappropriate or offensive comments. We believe in courtesy and civility. Please also note that by submitting a blog, photo or video, you are agreeing it can be used on the main website (

Most importantly, the views expressed in the blogs, interviews and commentaries, in this or the main site (, including any of the videos, are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions of SMP Productions (Filmmaker) or its affiliate or subsidiary companies, or any of their employees.

All text, photographs and videos © SMP Productions, unless stated otherwise


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Canadian Aircraft

The NSCA (Vic) had negotiated a deal with a Canadian fire-fighting and SAR company to share crucial resources over their respective summers. If you know the type of aircraft. please comment below...
Mar 10, 2011
Peter Jewell is now a member of Catch Me Network
Jan 27, 2011
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Sep 27, 2010
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Sep 17, 2010

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